Along with good business knowledge, a pool of funds, and great efforts, do you know what else forms the root of your business? It’s your customers. When you are able to retain your customers and grow your customer base keeping the existing ones intact, you can never fall short of success. And as Adesina Meka Silvanus , a big entrepreneur, puts it, a customer is the foundation of entrepreneurial success. Scroll below to find how important your customers are to your business with the experiences of Meka Adesina . 1. Customers Spread Your Business with Word of Mouth Having experienced it for real, Meka Adesina tells that customers have the amazing power of word of mouth. When your product or services are way too good, they will definitely talk about it. Thus, inspiring others to try out your product or services too. 2. Customers can Build Your Brand Image Adesina Meka Silvanus’s business has a huge fan base because his customers love him and have helped him in bui...
Adesina Meka Silvanus believes how important focus is to increase productivity levels.